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PAPFor supports local groups to implement income-generating activities around Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve
The PAPFor programme is supporting the rural communities of N’zoo, Bossou, and Tounkarata in Guinea to implement income-generating activities established in their local business development plans, to continue the actions aimed at the conservation of Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve.
In 2023, six local groups in the rural districts of N’zoo Center, Kéoulenta, Bossou Center, Séringbara, Tounkarata Center, and Iro benefited from inputs and agricultural equipment to plant cash crops and make soap to improve their economic living conditions.

“These activities will enable communities to reduce the threats to the reserve and will increase food security through increased food production in the region,” said Mariama SY, Communications and Mobilization Officer, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).
“Knowing that the country must respect all its international commitments within the framework of sustainable management of its forest ecosystems and to achieve some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Guinean Government is resolutely committed to ensuring protection of Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve, by maintaining its ecological integrity and the sustainable use of its natural resources,” said Mory Douno, Deputy Director General of Mount Nimba and Simandou Management Centre (CEGENS).