Home / Landscapes / Outamba - Kilimi - Kuru - Pinselli - Soyah / The solutions
The solutions

Maintaining forest cover and protecting threatened species
In the context of rapid development of economic projects, illegal logging and urban expansion, the priority is to maintain the connectivity of high conservation value areas at the forest landscape level. PAPFor envisages the restoration of forest corridors with a strong involvement of the riparian communities. The programme works with local authorities and riparian communities to restore (...)
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Support for Protected Areas
PAPFor provides direct support to the two national agencies responsible for protected area management. A key support activity is WCF working to establish the Pensel-li-Soyah-Sabouyah area as a National Park and to update the management plan of the Outamba National Park which will serve as a basis for the interventions of technical and financial partners. PAPFor also supports training in (...)
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Community-based participatory management
One of the major challenges of the PAPFor programme is to help the populations living around the high conservation value areas, through free and informed consent, to take ownership of the governance of natural resources at the local level and to adopt a sustainable development system. This system should enable the improvement of ecosystem services and agricultural practices, which will have a (...)
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